8 Ways to Improve and Increase Productivity While You Work from Home

20 May 2021

Ever felt like your tasks for the day an endless abyss as you WFH? Being productive can be challenging, especially when a new problem surfaces when the ones before are still unsolved. As you scramble for impending deadlines, responding to a slew of emails and attending meetings, remember to take a step back and reflect. Think about how you can boost productivity at work without disrupting your daily life. Try incorporating these simple yet effective tips to increase productivity so you’ll work smarter.

1. Create a Simple To-Do List

This is the fundamental step you should take to stay productive. It is recommended that you write it down in a notebook, rather than on your phone. Write down your tasks of the day, and don’t overwhelm yourself by filling up a whole page. If you do so, it may make you feel anxious and fatigued, when you can’t complete a reasonable to-do list.

Shop notebooks and stationeries from Shopee and ezbuy.

2. Set Small (Realistic) Goals
Seeing big projects on your to-do list can be very stressful. But, if you break them down into smaller tasks, you’ll feel more in control and productive. Once you complete a task, acknowledge it and pat yourself on the back.

Read: Relaxing Self-Care Tips and Ideas for a Healthy Mind, Body & Soul

3. Stop Multi-Tasking
Ironically, doing more than one task at a go isn’t productive. Instead, it hinders your productivity and slows you down. You may think it is an easy feat to do, especially with simple tasks but it’s counterproductive. Instead, do one task at a time, and then move on to the next. Trust us, you’ll end up completing it faster this way.

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Read: Free Online Courses & Workshops You Should Attend to Upskill and Get Certified

4. Take Breaks for Peace of Mind

Your body is not a machine, and it’s unhealthy to be working for long hours with no breaks as it may lead to burnout. Research has shown that taking regular breaks, helps boost your mood and increases concentration for the next task. If you are working from home, step away from your workspace and see the greenery outdoors. If you’re in the office, take a 5-minute walk or head to a café and grab a cup of coffee.

5. Use the 2-minute Rule
If you have tiny windows in the day (of course excluding break times), use these to complete tasks that are lingering at the back of your neck. In essence, if the task takes less than 2 minutes, do it now rather than later. However, don’t beat yourself up if you can’t complete them in 2 minutes. Do it properly to avoid any grave mistakes.  

Read: 13 Self-Improvement Tips to Make 2021 Your Year

6. Get the Most Dreaded Task Out of Your Way
It is completely normal to have that one task on your list that just doesn’t seem to go away. This is the task that you should focus on and exert your energy in ensuring it gets completed. Instead of doing it at the 11th hour, get it off your plate as soon as possible. Your other tasks on hand would then feel less daunting and you can finally move on.

Read: 15 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

7. Eat Healthy

While the above are tips and tricks that you can incorporate into your daily work, it is just as important that you eat healthily. If you have junk food for all three meals, you’ll feel like a blob and it will tire you out. Instead, plan out your meals for the week by doing meal preps or have salad on certain days of the week. When feeling peckish, munch on nutritious snacks such as nuts and raisins for an energy boost that increases concentration.

Snack on healthy treats from Amazin Graze or iHerb.

Read: 10 Best Food for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight

8. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

For the time you spend on social media, scrolling through endlessly, why not use this time to practice meditation? It doesn’t take you more than 10 minutes. This will allow you to stay present and improve your focus. By breathing right and doing light stretches, you will carry this positive energy throughout the day. Check out our list of best meditation apps here.

Now that you’ve completed reading this, go on and take a well-deserved 10 minutes break before starting on your next task. It is pivotal that you inculcate some habits in ensuring you are taking the right steps toward becoming more productive.

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